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You will never have this again


Wow. December already.

How do you want to spend it?

Have you ever really considered that?

A new month. The last month of 2020.

It’s precious.

You will never have it again.

A lot of my clients are business owners and for some of them the end of the year is about speeding up, it’s about sales, it’s about finishing strong.

For others, like me, its about slowing down, reflection, preparing for the new year.

And for most of us, we don’t even think about it.

It comes and it goes. Just like next month and the month after that and eventually the years and then your life.

Time and life will slip away and it will seem like life just happened to you.

You didn’t have a say so, you didn’t get to decide.


But that is never true. We always have a choice.

Even if you are choosing to not choose.

Your life is simply a series of decisions or indecision.

Decisions are thoughts that we choose because they direct and guide our brain to do what we want it to do.

If we don’t choose consciously our brain will choose for us, on default.

Default thinking is always based on our past and on fear and when that occurs, life will happen to you instead of for you.

If we want to create something new, we must choose to think in a new way.


You can practice this skill today by deciding how you want to spend the rest of this month.

How do you want to show up? What do you want to accomplish? How do you want to feel?

Love your reasons - then decide.

Each decision leads to another and then another and then you are on a journey to an amazing destination. Where do you want to go?

Peace? Passion? Purpose? - those are some of my favorite places.


My job as a life coach is to help you see possibility.

Walk alongside you on YOUR journey, help you navigate the detours and obstacles and constantly show you the profound power YOU have to create the life YOU want.

I would love to know what you decide. Contact me and let me know what your December will look like in the open section at the end of the form.

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