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Divorce isn’t an Option


I used to believe divorce wasn’t an option with all my heart.

And then it was.

And it was devastating.

I believed it fiercely during my difficult 15-year first marriage.

Then there was infidelity.

Even then, I believed my marriage would endure.

But it didn’t.

I fought hard and didn’t have any regrets.

I know we did the best that we could with what we knew at the time.

And what I know now is divorce is an option and sometimes it's the best option.

It’s a hard-earned knowledge that I will never forget.

Eleven years ago, I remarried.

My husband and I both had difficult first marriages, and divorce taught us how fragile marriage could be.

We know divorce is an option, so we don’t take each other for granted.

We deliberately, purposefully appreciate each other and what we have together.

We tell each other all the time how much we love and appreciate each other.

We look for things to love and appreciate about each other.

We intentionally create feelings of love, appreciation, and desire for each other.

Our marriage is precious, so we invest time, energy, and thought into it.


We know the devastation of a broken family, and we know the struggle of building a new one.

Learn from my mistake and trust me when I say divorce is always an option.

But so is a marriage of love, joy, and laughter.

Loving well is a skill we learn, we practice, and we live.

It’s a skill you can learn too.

And the best part is it only takes one person in the relationship to create change.

If your marriage isn’t all it could be, I’m here to support you in getting what you want.

Sign up for a free consultation today and choose love, joy, and laughter.

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