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5 Mindset Hacks for Accomplishing Your Goal


Subtle shifts in perspective can help us reach our goals from a place of peace and ease.

Here are a few of my favorite mindset hacks:

1. Love where you are right now.

Thinking you "should" be further along or you “should” be better actually slows you down.

Focus on what you have and what is working right now, and your brain will work to create more.

Create from abundance, not for abundance.

What we appreciate appreciates.

2. Know your goal

Choose one. Be very specific.

Know your why and be sure it is coming from love and abundance.

I want this versus I need this.

If you tell it exactly where you want to go, your brain will help you get there.

3. Practice imagining it already being done until you feel it in your body.

It should feel open, expansive, light, and warm.

This tricks your brain into believing the goal is already accomplished, so it doesn’t create fear and try to stop you from doing something new.

4. Always have your own back, and never beat yourself up.

Failure is part of the process. Imagine talking to a baby learning to walk.

You can do it. Keep going. Don’t quit. You’re getting closer.

Continuous forward movement leads to your goal—one step at a time.

5. You don’t have to know how.

When we set a goal, our brain immediately wants to know how.

It does this because the brain fears the unknown.

Unknown = danger

Danger = fear

Fear = shutting down the intellect and creativity that creates the how.

You don’t know how because you’ve never done it before.

If you knew how you would have already accomplished the goal.

Tell your brain very calmly, lovingly, “Of course, I don’t know how and that’s okay.”

When you focus on the first four hacks, manage your mind and emotions, and stay in a place of peace and calm, the how magically comes to you exactly when you are ready for it.

Always remember when your emotion is high, your intellect is low.

Keep your emotion calm, and your intellect will kick in and give you unique how ideas.

And Here’s a bonus.

After you’ve done all of the above, ask yourself, every day, what is one thing I can do today to get closer to my goal?

Imagine if you took one step toward your goal every day, how quickly you would get there.

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